In addition to concluding another school year, this week marks a close to a wonderful chapter in my life. For four years, I have had the honor of serving as the Head of School here at Walnut Farm Montessori. Through collective efforts, the school has experienced much growth and advancement. We can all celebrate the following accomplishments:
- Creating an internal mentor program and supporting teachers through national training
- Enhancing the school’s financial strategies and processes
- Expanding the administrative team to better serve the students, parents, and staff
- Developing a strategic plan to ensure continuous, unified advancement
- Rebranding the school via an updated website, logo, and mission statement
- Updating all facilities and grounds by painting, adding fences, adding additional observation booths, grooming trees,and upgrading playgrounds
- Implementing a digital school-wide newsletter
- Adding an additional toddler environment to create more opportunities for students to begin their Montessori journey
- Establishing a presence on social media
- Advancing learner outcomes by investing in professional development and maintaining top rated environments
- Completing the self-study process for re-accreditation
- Increasing the community spirit through strategic partnerships with the Parent Association, Board of Trustees, and staff
Together, we have helped Walnut Farm surge forward. To the staff….thank you for your daily sacrifice and investment in the lives of our students. Only time will reveal the depth of potential and greatness that each of you have helped to cultivate within our students. To the Parent Association and parent community….thank you for entrusting your children to us and for your countless hours of voluntary service. Your contributions enhance our school in meaningful ways. Meanwhile, you are modeling to all of our students, especially your own, the joy and fulfillment of serving our communities. To the Board of Trustees….I am still in awe of what can be accomplished when men and women gather to offer their expertise and efforts all for the sake of others. Thank you for offering that which you have so freely. Your work has fortified the school in ways that will impactfuture generations of WFMS families. To the students….I have tears of joy each time I think of you! Thank you for daily reminding each of us to experience the pure joy of discovery, laugh often, forgive quickly, love without bias, speak frankly, and greet each day with a sense of awe and wonder. Each of you have enriched my life and offered intangible treasures that I will cherish.
As the school celebrates its 25th year, I consider it a privilege to be counted amongst the women and men that have invested their time, talent, and treasure in such a worthy community. Walnut Farm and the Montessori methodology inspires both students and adults to be life-long learners. I’m reminded of an inspiration from scripture, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” I am celebrating the incredible season my family has enjoyed. We have created memories and established friendships that we will carry in our hearts forever. Further, I am grateful for all the “good purposes” that have been developed in my life and the lives of so many as a result of our journey with Walnut Farm Montessori. May peace, love, and joy overflow in your lives!
With a grateful heart,
Ellen Beach