Holidays, Holy Days, and Family Traditions
We are in our 4th full week of school as I write these words to you. Though some children have been ill, especially those new to school or re-entering after a long time, we have not had a COVID-19 case to report. Routines are beginning to fall in place and transitions are beginning to go smoothly. Thank you for doing your part to make the beginning of the year such an excellent start!
As we enter the fall season, many are preparing or already celebrating holidays and holy days with their families. American Montessori Society recently published their fall edition of Montessori Life, a magazine for members of their organization. In this issue there is a great article about celebrations and how to make certain all students’ beliefs and customs are given a space in the Montessori classroom, while also including some traditions that are not represented. Our school, like many other Montessori schools, began this work with our Cultural and Peace Curriculums. However, as our school works to do better and become more inclusive of all humans, I notice gaps that need filling. We need to do a better job of knowing WHO our community is so that we can be more inclusive, and ensure that we are giving every child in our school representation. We want you to feel the message, “All are welcome and appreciated here” when you and your child(ren) enter these doors.
To this goal, I have attached a link to a brief survey for your family below. It would mean so much and be so appreciated if you would take the time to fill it out. I also want to say, I am open to hearing from you about ways we can do better on this journey. I need you to tell me when I say something incorrectly, and what your experiences are at our school. This is such important work and I cannot learn and grow without each of you. We also learn best from experiences. If you have a special family tradition you would like to share or items that you can loan to your child’s classroom to enhance their appreciation of your traditions, please share this with your child’s teacher. Thank you for being a part of this community!
In gratitude and appreciation,
Lynette Goss, HOS