Family Association
Our wonderful WFMS students have equally amazing families. Our school is fortunate to have an entire community of talented parents that help foster the learning environment through the contribution of their time, talents, and resources. Our parents are actively involved in a variety of ways, from helping in classrooms to participating on committees to coordinating school-wide celebrations and fundraisers. We hope your whole family will enjoy the Walnut Farm Montessori experience as well as the meaningful and lasting friendships you will make here.
Our Members
Every parent, grandparent and /or legal guardian of enrolled students at WFMS is a member of the family association.
Our Mission
The mission of the WFMS Family Association (FA) is to create supportive relationships between our teachers, administration, families, and students. From these relationships, the FA creates community; founded on respect, kindness, and the desire for mutual growth. In the same way the students learn by action so the FA creates opportunities for members to actively participate in the support and growth of our school for the benefit of every child. The WFMS FA offers those caring for our children the opportunity to build connection and community.
Our Opportunities
We strongly believe that Walnut Farm Montessori School is a family experience and family involvement is encouraged and welcomed.
Here are specific ways you can support the school and fulfill your 10-hour per family minimum volunteer requirements:
- Assume FA officer position
- Attend FA meetings
- Volunteer in the classroom and school-wide projects
- Participate and volunteer for fundraising events
- Support and show appreciation for teachers and staff
- Become a room liaison in your child’s classroom