Parent Association – May 2017

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Parent Association – May 2017

May 2017

25 Box Tops Due

16 School Improvement Day

7 Fall Family Day Festival

9 Bentonville Christmas Parade

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Walnut Farm Montessori School’s Parent Association throughout the 2016/2017 school year.  We truly cannot do this without you.  We have had so many fun events this past year and can’t wait to work with you all again next year.  Our focus for the fall will be on books and we cannot wait to share with you all of our plans and ideas.  Stay tuned for more information.

We will be putting the meeting schedule together over the summer and have it to you the first of August!

Thank you again,
Your PA Officers


Upcoming Events

Box Tops
List of Participating Products
Next drop-off deadline for the Fall semester is August 25th!
Submit your box tops to the morning greeter anytime!

Fall Family Day Festival
October 7, 2017

Fall Family Day Festival is our main fundraising event for the Parent Association.  The event itself is a fun family festival open to the public and held on our school campus.  We have games, a pumpkin patch, pumpkin decorating, food and more.  We want to make next year bigger and better!

We will start our planning this year in June!!!  We need at least 8 committee members to make this event a success!  This is a great way to kick-start your volunteer hours for the fall!  Our plan is to mainly meet over the lunch hour in Rogers once per month, and then every other week in September.  This event so so much fun to work on and plan, please think about joining us.

If you would like to join the committee, please contact Heather Foitek @

Thank You
Clubs and Crawfish
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported Walnut Farm Montessori School at Clubs and Crawfish.  A HUGE thank you goes out to all of our volunteers, without you we could have not pulled off this big event.

Teacher Appreciation Week
A HUGE thank you goes out to all of our volunteers for Teacher Appreciation Week!  We had an amazing week and it is all due to our sponsors and volunteers.  We could not have made this happen without you!

WFMS Support
Family Celebrations and Support
Sign Up For Family Celebrations and Support

Use the above link to fill out a confidential form to let us know when there is a new baby in your family, serious illness, or death in your family.  The form allows you to choose how you would like to be acknowledged, supported or celebrated.

If you have questions about how this process works or are interested in participating,
please contact Katie Bloodworth @

Contact Information
Parent Association Facebook Page
Join The WFMS Community Facebook Page

Find us on Instagram

Parent Association Handbook
The 2016-2017 Parent Association Handbook

AS ALWAYS: please feel free to contact us at anytime if you have questions, concerns, feedback etc 🙂

Parent Association Officers Spring 2017

President: Amanda Phillips

Vice President: Heather Foitek

Secretary/Treasurer: Nicole Nelsen

Whether you have a big idea or small idea for our school community, have a desire to take on a project, or are wanting a quick way to support our school, there are so many ways to get involved with the Walnut Farm Parent Association!

Contact the Amanda Phillips at for more information.