Primary Spring Newsletter
Katie Pence
Happy (almost) Summer! I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by. We have all enjoyed watching your children grow this school year. As we get ready to part for the summer, here are some fun activities you can do with your children:
1. Have a picnic. Let your child help prepare the food. They can help cut the fruits and veggies (skills they practice in the classroom). Find a favorite spot and just enjoy being together.
2. Bake with your child. We bake a lot in our classroom. Let them measure out the ingredients and stir the mixture together. Enjoy the end product!
3. Grow a garden. Children can help water, pull the weeds, pick the fruits/veggies or flowers.
4. Play I spy outside. Find objects in nature and practice sounds.
5. Go on a nature/listening walk. Walk quietly and enjoy the sounds and beauty of nature.
6. Go to the library.
7. Create art and have your child tell you about what they have created.
8. Stay up late and look at the stars!
Enjoy the lazy days of summer.