Dear Families,
What a great year we had! We can’t believe that it’s already almost over. Your children have grown so much since the beginning of the school year. The older children have developed the skills needed to prepare them for primary, and the younger children are developing the skills needed to become independent and classroom leaders next year.
Each child brought something special to our classroom and it has been an honor to work with them and to help guide them every day. Watching them grow and accomplish new tasks is always rewarding, especially when you see that excited look in their face and they say, “I did it!”
It has also been great getting to know each of you. Thank you so much for all of your support and all of the things you have done for our classroom. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you again for sharing your children with us. We will miss those of you moving on to Primary and look forward to seeing those of you returning to our classroom soon!
“It begins with a knowledge of his surroundings. How does the child assimilate his environment ? He does it solely in virtue of one of those characteristics that we know him to have. This is an intense and specialized sensitiveness in consequence of which the things about him awaken so much interest and so much enthusiasm that they become incorporated in his very existence. The child absorbs these impressions not with his mind but with life itself.” (Maria Montessori)
Have an amazing summer!!
Whitney and Misty