Outdoor Classroom
As part of our classroom experience we offer outdoor classrooms for each level. The outdoor classrooms provide spaces for learning about nature and the practical life work of gardening, raking, weed pulling, composting, care of animals, and other outdoor tasks. With the direction of our outdoor classroom specialists, these prepared environments are rich in hands-on science lessons that incorporate language and math extension opportunities. From bird watching, to volcano experiments, to life-cycle lessons, to feeding hummingbirds, to using a hammer and nails…our students flourish in the outdoor classroom environments. Primary and Elementary students also have access to our 12 ft x 32 ft greenhouse which is an exciting extension of our outdoor classrooms.
- The Toddler Outdoor Classroom is available to our Toddler students during the mornings. This special space provides a sensory experience for our youngest students where they may help the outdoor classroom specialist weed, taste, smell, and observe the many wonders of gardening as well as gross motor play outside.
- The Primary Outdoor Classroom is available to our Primary and Elementary students. Each Primary classroom has a back door which allows the children to flow in and out, making this a choice throughout the morning work cycle. The Elementary children have designated days and various responsibilities in the Primary outdoor environment.
- The Elementary Outdoor Classroom experience includes guided lessons in our greenhouse and lesson choices outside. In addition to their student roles, the Elementary children serve as leaders of the school community and caretakers of the various gardens.
“There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature; to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature.” – Dr. Maria Montessori